Tricia on Chuck Monday
Access Hollywood has this little Dish of Salt preview of Tricia Helfer on Chuck this coming Monday, with a quick behind the scenes chat... and other geeky stuff.
Last set of Eick Video Blogs
Apparently a final batch of 13 David Eick Video Blogs were being withheld until after the finale (although it's possible we may get more video blogs made during "The Plan" and perhaps Caprica), and if you click over to scifi.com/battlestar they will be the first thing you see before continuing to the main site. Here's a direct video blog link, and hopefully these will be in the bonus features of the DVD as well as made available to viewers outside the USA.
Colonial Dispatch 3.24.09
The Colonies are now gone, but a distant signal still echoes through the stars... Hoo boy. It's been a long weekend and there's a lot to keep up with in Battlestar world.
How about starting with something that is looking future forward? io9 has posted a collection of 7 clips from Caprica giving us some insight on the series and the pilot DVD coming in a few weeks! - That's April 21 to be exact.
According to Sci Fi/NBCU (still refusing to use the new name), the Battlestar finale topped the charts when it aired, although I had heard otherwise - I guess that's why I'm not a statistician. See the numbers at Futon Critic
If you don't like imagination killers, the don't read yet another commentary/interview (from Monday's press screening) with Ron Moore about what he was thinking with the finale at Sci Fi Wire. Okay, how can you really not read that? Ron also talks about what kind of "extended cut" material we'll get on the DVD, so perhaps those who feel unfulfilled by the finale will find satisfaction when 4.5 comes out on DVD.
As much as I dislike having things explained so much, the following is what I've been waiting to hear from Ron Moore - Ronald D. Moore on the Meaning of God in Battlestar Galactica's Finale on AMC's Sci Fi Scanner blog. Ron also talks a bit about the future of the franchise.
Mary McDonnell has a job lined up with The Closer which stars Kyra Sedgwick. Mary will be playing a police captain who "butts heads with Deputy Chief Brenda Johnson" (played by Sedgwick), and is likely to debut in the upcoming 5th season of the show. via TheStar.com
Speaking of Mary McDonnell, here's some words from her about the finale during the press screening at The New York Post blog Pop Wrap.
We'll try and filter all the finale reviews and commentaries into one big post here soon.
One more link for Mary McDonnell, a little late but still relevant... The LA Times caught up with her before her appearance at the UN event last week, and talked a bit about the themes of her character.
Check out this HUGE interview with Bear McCreary from German fan site Caprica City (Yes, it's in English - phew!).
CNet Asia has a nice little walk down memory lane with The Technology of Battlestar Galactica, comparing it to real life tech we have today. I like to think of it as a "greatest hits" of sorts.
If you're fascinated with the subject of robotics and technology, and the way it worked out in Battlestar Galactica, Terminator, and other sci-fi, you might find the book Wired for War by P.W. Singer well worth the read:
The 4 part comic book series Battlestar Galactica: Cylon War continues with part 3 tomorrow, March 25. Check out a preview at comicbookresources.com. That review I promised might as well wait until after the 4th book comes out next month, since I've procrastinated this long.
Eddie just rules - Edward James Olmos, CardPartner Promote Latino Literacy at PR Inside.com
Kotaku offers some not so great BSG fixes in the gaming world. I'd personally like a Fallout 3 meets Mass Effect style series of console games that takes place on all the planets from the Battlestar universe; The 12 colonies, Kobol, algae planet, Tillium mine moon (from "Scar"), Earth 1, and prehistoric Earth 2. I'll get right on developing that.
Movie Moron looks at the movies that influenced Battlestar Galactica. Of course, you knew all of these, but it's fun discussing the details, isn't it?
PC World has learned 10 lessons about business from Battlestar Galactica, and maybe we can too!
This simply must be read - Battlestar Galactica: Watched the Finale? Exclusive Interview With Kevin Grazier, Science Advisor at Discover magazine online.
Hit refresh! More updates on the way...
How about starting with something that is looking future forward? io9 has posted a collection of 7 clips from Caprica giving us some insight on the series and the pilot DVD coming in a few weeks! - That's April 21 to be exact.
According to Sci Fi/NBCU (still refusing to use the new name), the Battlestar finale topped the charts when it aired, although I had heard otherwise - I guess that's why I'm not a statistician. See the numbers at Futon Critic
If you don't like imagination killers, the don't read yet another commentary/interview (from Monday's press screening) with Ron Moore about what he was thinking with the finale at Sci Fi Wire. Okay, how can you really not read that? Ron also talks about what kind of "extended cut" material we'll get on the DVD, so perhaps those who feel unfulfilled by the finale will find satisfaction when 4.5 comes out on DVD.
As much as I dislike having things explained so much, the following is what I've been waiting to hear from Ron Moore - Ronald D. Moore on the Meaning of God in Battlestar Galactica's Finale on AMC's Sci Fi Scanner blog. Ron also talks a bit about the future of the franchise.
Mary McDonnell has a job lined up with The Closer which stars Kyra Sedgwick. Mary will be playing a police captain who "butts heads with Deputy Chief Brenda Johnson" (played by Sedgwick), and is likely to debut in the upcoming 5th season of the show. via TheStar.com
Speaking of Mary McDonnell, here's some words from her about the finale during the press screening at The New York Post blog Pop Wrap.
We'll try and filter all the finale reviews and commentaries into one big post here soon.
One more link for Mary McDonnell, a little late but still relevant... The LA Times caught up with her before her appearance at the UN event last week, and talked a bit about the themes of her character.
Check out this HUGE interview with Bear McCreary from German fan site Caprica City (Yes, it's in English - phew!).
CNet Asia has a nice little walk down memory lane with The Technology of Battlestar Galactica, comparing it to real life tech we have today. I like to think of it as a "greatest hits" of sorts.
If you're fascinated with the subject of robotics and technology, and the way it worked out in Battlestar Galactica, Terminator, and other sci-fi, you might find the book Wired for War by P.W. Singer well worth the read:
"Wired for War takes the reader on a journey to meet all the various players in this strange new world of war: odd-ball roboticists working in latter-day “skunk works” in the midst of suburbia; military pilots flying combat mission from their office cubicles outside Las Vegas; the Iraqi insurgents who are their targets; journalists trying to figure out just how to cover robots at war; and human rights activists wrestling with what is right and wrong in a world where our wars are increasingly being handed over to machines."
The 4 part comic book series Battlestar Galactica: Cylon War continues with part 3 tomorrow, March 25. Check out a preview at comicbookresources.com. That review I promised might as well wait until after the 4th book comes out next month, since I've procrastinated this long.
Eddie just rules - Edward James Olmos, CardPartner Promote Latino Literacy at PR Inside.com
Kotaku offers some not so great BSG fixes in the gaming world. I'd personally like a Fallout 3 meets Mass Effect style series of console games that takes place on all the planets from the Battlestar universe; The 12 colonies, Kobol, algae planet, Tillium mine moon (from "Scar"), Earth 1, and prehistoric Earth 2. I'll get right on developing that.
Movie Moron looks at the movies that influenced Battlestar Galactica. Of course, you knew all of these, but it's fun discussing the details, isn't it?
PC World has learned 10 lessons about business from Battlestar Galactica, and maybe we can too!
This simply must be read - Battlestar Galactica: Watched the Finale? Exclusive Interview With Kevin Grazier, Science Advisor at Discover magazine online.
Hit refresh! More updates on the way...
Moore questions and Moore answers
Do you still have questions after the finale as to what Kara is supposed to be as intended by Ron Moore? TV Guide put up a Q&A late Friday night with Moore, assumably excerpted from the conference held last Monday after the press screenings, and they pretty much posed the same questions I would have asked, which included clarification on what he meant with certain aspects with the show that weren't blazingly obvious (which as many may agree, is a large majority of the show by the end).
I haven't been a huge fan of commentaries and interviews that have to explain everything. I think the story should do it on it's own, and what it doesn't, the imagination can take over. Alas, my imagination kicked into overtime with the finale, and I really wanted to know what RDM and co. intended with some of the big pending, not-so-clearly answered issues. If you do too check out TV Guide.com's Battlestar Galactica's Ron Moore Answers Our Burning Questions.
Moore and cast members Mary McDonnell and Edward James Olmos were present for Monday's press screening, and Alan Sepinwall seems to have the majority if not all of the conference transcribed here. Again, read at your own imagination killing risk ;)
I haven't been a huge fan of commentaries and interviews that have to explain everything. I think the story should do it on it's own, and what it doesn't, the imagination can take over. Alas, my imagination kicked into overtime with the finale, and I really wanted to know what RDM and co. intended with some of the big pending, not-so-clearly answered issues. If you do too check out TV Guide.com's Battlestar Galactica's Ron Moore Answers Our Burning Questions.
Moore and cast members Mary McDonnell and Edward James Olmos were present for Monday's press screening, and Alan Sepinwall seems to have the majority if not all of the conference transcribed here. Again, read at your own imagination killing risk ;)
The Plan trailer
First I have to apologize for the quiet blog over the weekend. The finale was just so traumatic, I think I'm still in mourning. Consider the weekend a moment of silence for the end of the series, and an era.
To try and get back in the swing of things and play catch up, here's the trailer of "The Plan" that was aired during the finale Friday night. Okay, so maybe it's not over yet, but don't expect to see this afterthought until the fall of 2009. It was previously rumored to be released in June, but now it's looking like somewhere around November perhaps (best guess):
To try and get back in the swing of things and play catch up, here's the trailer of "The Plan" that was aired during the finale Friday night. Okay, so maybe it's not over yet, but don't expect to see this afterthought until the fall of 2009. It was previously rumored to be released in June, but now it's looking like somewhere around November perhaps (best guess):
BSG UN Summit
The Battlestar Summit at the UN in NYC took place this Tuesday, and bot Sci Fi Wire and io9 have coverage from the event.
From io9 - The Night Battlestar Galactica Took Over The U.N. by Meredith Woerner
From Sci Fi Wire - Battlestar Galactica rocks the United Nations by Peter Pachal
See the Sci Fi Wire article for a link to video coverage of the event, and check out this NYT article about the summit.
From io9 - The Night Battlestar Galactica Took Over The U.N. by Meredith Woerner
From Sci Fi Wire - Battlestar Galactica rocks the United Nations by Peter Pachal
See the Sci Fi Wire article for a link to video coverage of the event, and check out this NYT article about the summit.
Ron Moore talks about the finale
I've been saving up a whole lotta interviews, commentaries and other stuff to wait to watch and read until after the end of Battlestar. Thankfully I only have a week to go before I can start catching up. It will give me something to do while waiting for The Plan and the Caprica DVD to come out.
THR.com has posted a Q&A with Ron Moore discussing the series finale on their Live Feed blog. I don't dare read this until after next Friday, since Ron is really the worst at giving major hints during interviews and commentaries. That being said, I can't speak for any spoilers in the interview, but here's a quote from the beginning of the post to summarize - "Moore talks about the last episode, networks shying away from serials, J.J. Abrams' "Star Trek" remake and the one genre he'd like to tackle next."
Read Q&A: Ron Moore on 'Battlestar' series finale from James Hibberd's Live Feed at THR.com.
THR.com has posted a Q&A with Ron Moore discussing the series finale on their Live Feed blog. I don't dare read this until after next Friday, since Ron is really the worst at giving major hints during interviews and commentaries. That being said, I can't speak for any spoilers in the interview, but here's a quote from the beginning of the post to summarize - "Moore talks about the last episode, networks shying away from serials, J.J. Abrams' "Star Trek" remake and the one genre he'd like to tackle next."
Read Q&A: Ron Moore on 'Battlestar' series finale from James Hibberd's Live Feed at THR.com.
Video: Bear McCreary, Kate Vernon
The official Battlestar site on SciFi.com has a couple of new videos up (which unfortunately aren't posted to Hulu yet). First up is the newest David Eick Video Blog (ummm, I haven't seen or heard from David Eick in this series for quite awhile now) featuring Bear McCreary working with cast and crew for recent musically oriented episodes. Click here to watch "The Bear on Set" at SciFi.com. An interesting factoid from this video is that we find out what Piano Guy's name is - "Slick" was played by (Ewan McGregor look alike from certain angles!) Rourke Quichlow. I'm pretty sure that's just a pseudonym used for a character that's not yet fully explained, since he mystically vanished from the scene. They surely had to put some kind of name down in the script.
Also, a Q&A with Kate Vernon is now up, also at SciFi.com. If you're not familiar with the Q&A features, they take questions from fans at the Sci Fi forums, and pose them to the cast. If you can't watch this or don't feel like it, you might at least want to know what Kate says at the very end about the upcoming post-series finale movie "The Plan" - (not really a spoiler at all here) she says "Make sure to stick around and watch 'The Plan' because there is SO much more to be revealed. Hmmm. I don't know whether to take that as an excuse for not fully explaining certain things from the series during the finale.
Usually this stuff gets posted to Hulu,so maybe it will be available there soon. Something that is up at Hulu currently are the winners of the "Best of Battlestar" series they've been running at SciFi.com. I kind of avoided this feature because they never seemed to have the scenes I wanted to vote for as an option. Check them out below, and go here to vote in this weeks poll "Best Cylon Kill".
Battlestar Best Surprise Moment: New Caprica Take Over
Battlestar Best Kiss: Roslin & Adama
Battlestar Best Explosion: The Pegasus
Battlestar Best Execution: Admiral Cain
Battlestar Best Quote: So Say We All!
Best Fist Fight: Six vs. Starbuck
...But they only posted the vid for Helo & Tyrol vs. The Pegasus Crew, so we'll show that since it's bad-ass even if unfortunately the thematic opposite of Six and Kara fighting.
Best Space Battle: Death of the Pegasus
Wait... didn't that also win best explosion? They don't have the vid clip for that one anyway, so let's post my personal favorite (and it's not just because Lee says "razzle dazzle"), Starbuck Saves Apollo:
Best Sexy Moment: Starbuck and Apollo
Yep. No video for this either, so I'll just do the gratuitous fangirl thing and post the clip "Apollo and his Towel".
Also, a Q&A with Kate Vernon is now up, also at SciFi.com. If you're not familiar with the Q&A features, they take questions from fans at the Sci Fi forums, and pose them to the cast. If you can't watch this or don't feel like it, you might at least want to know what Kate says at the very end about the upcoming post-series finale movie "The Plan" - (not really a spoiler at all here) she says "Make sure to stick around and watch 'The Plan' because there is SO much more to be revealed. Hmmm. I don't know whether to take that as an excuse for not fully explaining certain things from the series during the finale.
Usually this stuff gets posted to Hulu,so maybe it will be available there soon. Something that is up at Hulu currently are the winners of the "Best of Battlestar" series they've been running at SciFi.com. I kind of avoided this feature because they never seemed to have the scenes I wanted to vote for as an option. Check them out below, and go here to vote in this weeks poll "Best Cylon Kill".
Battlestar Best Surprise Moment: New Caprica Take Over
Battlestar Best Kiss: Roslin & Adama
Battlestar Best Explosion: The Pegasus
Battlestar Best Execution: Admiral Cain
Battlestar Best Quote: So Say We All!
Best Fist Fight: Six vs. Starbuck
...But they only posted the vid for Helo & Tyrol vs. The Pegasus Crew, so we'll show that since it's bad-ass even if unfortunately the thematic opposite of Six and Kara fighting.
Best Space Battle: Death of the Pegasus
Wait... didn't that also win best explosion? They don't have the vid clip for that one anyway, so let's post my personal favorite (and it's not just because Lee says "razzle dazzle"), Starbuck Saves Apollo:
Best Sexy Moment: Starbuck and Apollo
Yep. No video for this either, so I'll just do the gratuitous fangirl thing and post the clip "Apollo and his Towel".
United Nations Battlestar Retrospective
According to Maureen Ryan at The Chicago Tribune, The United Nations in New York will host a retrospective of Battlestar Galactica, which will be moderated by Whoopi Goldberg.
The event will be recorded and transcribed, and fans are being promised notification of the available content's release by SciFi representatives.
"On March 17, there will be a "Battlestar" retrospective at the U.N. in New York and a panel discussion of how the show examined issues such as "human rights, children and armed conflict, terrorism, human rights and reconciliation and dialogue among civilizations and faith,"...
The "Battlestar" contingent on the panel will consist of executive producers Ronald D. Moore and David Eick, as well as stars Mary McDonnell (who plays president Laura Roslin on the show) and Edward James Olmos (Admiral William Adama).
UN representatives on the panel are Radhika Coomaraswamy, special representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict; Craig Mokhiber, deputy director of the New York office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights; and Robert Orr, assistant secretary-general for policy planning, executive office of the Secretary-General."
The event will be recorded and transcribed, and fans are being promised notification of the available content's release by SciFi representatives.
Daybreak Part 2 Preview
Daybreak Part 2 spoilers! Remember, it's starts at 9pm instead of 10 and runs two hours. Apologies for not being able to control the ridiculous front screen on the video below.
Battlestar featured in TV Guide
This week's issue of TV Guide features Battlestar! Get a sneak peak at the contents here at TV Guide.com, including article highlights and an online photo gallery. Here's a video clip from the photo shoot:
4 Big Saturn Nominations for Battlestar
The Academy of Science Fiction Fantasy & Horror Films has submitted nominations for the 35th annual Saturn Awards, and BSG is up for four big slots in it's field!
Best Syndicated/Cable Television Series:
DEXTER (Showtime)
Best Actor in Televison:
Best Actress in Television:
Best Supporting Actress in Television:
Best Syndicated/Cable Television Series:
DEXTER (Showtime)
Best Actor in Televison:
Best Actress in Television:
Best Supporting Actress in Television:
Poll Results: Kara and Piano Guy
I thought it would be interesting to leave the polls up longer than a week to see if any progress in the show might change the answers, but it didn't seem the case for Piano Guy and Kara. We still have 3 hours of the finale to go. I wonder if we'll get any solid answers at all!
Piano Guy drew a ton of responses, and many seem to believe he is indeed both Kara's father and Daniel. A good amount believe Piano Guy is simply Kara's father (in some shape or form?), and I was happy to see that some agree that he might be one of the humans who helped create Cylons (thus adding a respect for artistic creativity in an otherwised frakked universe). Is he just like a head 6? Cylon projection? Something that manipulates all of us?
Votes: 59
Kara! It's astonishing how many people are convinced that Kara was Cylon all along. I personally voted for "Still 100% human", even though it's hard to imagine that's possible. An equal amount believe she is Cylon since her return (after "Maelstrom"), and I guess I'm willing to go with that, since there aren't really any other ways to explain it. There should have been a fourth option there however, that Kara is now an "angel", or something mystical to that effect. I'm thinking of throwing up a new revised Kara poll just for that possibility.
Votes: 29
Piano Guy drew a ton of responses, and many seem to believe he is indeed both Kara's father and Daniel. A good amount believe Piano Guy is simply Kara's father (in some shape or form?), and I was happy to see that some agree that he might be one of the humans who helped create Cylons (thus adding a respect for artistic creativity in an otherwised frakked universe). Is he just like a head 6? Cylon projection? Something that manipulates all of us?
Piano Guy is Kara's father | 13 (22%) |
Piano Guy is Daniel | 5 (8%) |
Piano Guy is both Kara's father and Daniel | 34 (57%) |
Piano Guy is a Cylon projection | 8 (13%) |
Piano Guy is like Baltar's Head 6 | 7 (11%) |
Piano Guy is a vision from the Angels | 4 (6%) |
Piano Guy is a ghost | 1 (1%) |
Piano Guy is a simple hallucination | 6 (10%) |
Piano Guy is proof that Kara's lost it | 3 (5%) |
Piano Guy is "something that manipulates all of us" | 7 (11%) |
Piano Guy is one of the Colonial Gods | 5 (8%) |
Piano Guy is/was a human who helped create Cylons | 5 (8%) |
Votes: 59
Kara! It's astonishing how many people are convinced that Kara was Cylon all along. I personally voted for "Still 100% human", even though it's hard to imagine that's possible. An equal amount believe she is Cylon since her return (after "Maelstrom"), and I guess I'm willing to go with that, since there aren't really any other ways to explain it. There should have been a fourth option there however, that Kara is now an "angel", or something mystical to that effect. I'm thinking of throwing up a new revised Kara poll just for that possibility.
Kara is part Cylon since she came back | 5 (17%) |
Kara was always part Cylon | 19 (65%) |
Kara is still 100% human | 5 (17%) |
Votes: 29
Episode 4.19 sneak peek
It'sa gonna be a doozie!
And while you're at it, check out the latest video blog at SciFi.com, Who Do You Love?. Very cute and totally spoiler-free.
It'sa gonna be a doozie!
And while you're at it, check out the latest video blog at SciFi.com, Who Do You Love?. Very cute and totally spoiler-free.
Spoiler from a future episode
We're all guessing the following clip is from tomorrow's episode "Islanded in a Stream of Stars", but it's possible that it could be from anytime in the next four hours of BSG. Straight-up spoilers! (Thanks to SevorTB for continually posting awesome stuff on youtube, and rancor_breath for directing me to the clip):
Poll Results: Boomer and Baltar
Baltar and Boomer polls are now closed! But there are new Kara and Piano Guy polls up now.
Here are the results:
Not much happened with Baltar in STWOM (In fact nothing happened with him I believe), but here's whatcha'all thought of him since "No Exit". It seems like a pretty close vote as to Baltar's ability to change, with some thinking he has already but most thinking he will never change. A good amount of people also think he is slowly changing though. That Baltar will help bring the humans and Cylons together won the most votes of all, so here's to high hopes for Baltar!
Votes: 23
Boomer didn't come up much in the last episode either, but since the events at the end of Deadlock, most people beleive Boomer is still sticking with the Cavil plan. However, a relatively close second is that Boomer is independent (yay!). There are also those who still beleieve in love (even if it's among Cylons), and an equal amount are saying "What the frak is going on?" over and over again. Nobody thinks Boomer is against Cavil, but I secretly do, and I'm surprised I didn't vote for that...
Votes: 18
Here are the results:
Not much happened with Baltar in STWOM (In fact nothing happened with him I believe), but here's whatcha'all thought of him since "No Exit". It seems like a pretty close vote as to Baltar's ability to change, with some thinking he has already but most thinking he will never change. A good amount of people also think he is slowly changing though. That Baltar will help bring the humans and Cylons together won the most votes of all, so here's to high hopes for Baltar!
Baltar has changed | 3 (13%) |
Baltar is slowly changing | 7 (30%) |
Baltar is exactly the same | 4 (17%) |
Baltar will never change | 8 (34%) |
Baltar is the dying leader | 2 (8%) |
Baltar will incite a revolution | 2 (8%) |
Baltar will quell a revolution | 3 (13%) |
Baltar will help bring Cylons and humans together | 10 (43%) |
Baltar will be exiled from his groupies | 2 (8%) |
Baltar will strengthen his groupies | 2 (8%) |
Votes: 23
Boomer didn't come up much in the last episode either, but since the events at the end of Deadlock, most people beleive Boomer is still sticking with the Cavil plan. However, a relatively close second is that Boomer is independent (yay!). There are also those who still beleieve in love (even if it's among Cylons), and an equal amount are saying "What the frak is going on?" over and over again. Nobody thinks Boomer is against Cavil, but I secretly do, and I'm surprised I didn't vote for that...
Boomer is still a Cavil ally | 7 (38%) |
Boomer is against Cavil | 0 (0%) |
Boomer is independent | 5 (27%) |
Boomer will be assasinated | 2 (11%) |
Boomer will rejoin the fleet | 2 (11%) |
Boomer will join the 6s and 8s | 1 (5%) |
Boomer will fall back in love with Chief | 4 (22%) |
Have no idea what's in store for Boomer | 4 (22%) |
Votes: 18
Colonial Dispatch 3.3.09

This picture must be posted! Jamie's semi-buff anti-fur print ad for PETA via TV Guide (I think Bear McCreary needs to do one of these too).
Speaking of Bear, don't forget to catch up on his blog! "Someone to Watch Over Me" was obviously a very music intensive episode, and McCreary is already up to 3 extensive blog entries on the subject. Also, congrats to bear on his engagement to the beautiful Raya Yarbrough. AND, the following video of Bear giving a sneak peek of the Caprica series theme has been bumping around the web recently:
The above video was spotted by Grant Gould over at the Battlestar Blog, from youtuber lexspartan, and now has made another video available of Bear and finacee Raya performing "lords of Kobol":
Episode 1 of the web series Angel of Death, which co-stars Lucy Lawless, ran it's first episode as of yesterday. Check it out here at Cackle - *anti-spoiler* Lucy hasn't shown up as of yet *end anti-spoiler*
Very interesting discussion at Discover Magazine online concerning real life self-repairing materials, directly inspired by the Cylon substance being used to repair Galactica in the series.
This year's Paley Fest is coming up on April 10 at LA's ArcLight Cinerama Dome, and according to laist.com: "Battlestar Galactica executive producers David Eick and Ronald D. Moore are already scheduled to appear on the BSG panel, titled "Battlestar Galactica/Caprica: A Look Back and a Look Ahead," and fans of the show will undoubtedly be treated to scoop about the upcoming prequel. Although no other names appear on the list of panelists, a note on the event page says, "We're expecting stars from both BSG and Caprica, and will post their names as soon as they become available." "
Donnelly Rhodes (Doc Cottle) receives a Sam Payne Lifetime Achievement Award. Canada.com
And interesting genre mash-up will be in a future CSI episode, where Ron Moore and Kate Vernon will appear as themselves at a sci-fi convention, where some sort of crime scene that needs investigation will take place. Production of the episode also includes some Battlestar vets; director Michael Nankin, and writers David Weddle and Bradley Thompson. via The Watcher
I don't dare read this for fear of spoilers, but Katee Sackhoff was interviewed at the LA Times and talks about the final days on the set, and apparently some of the rumors flying around more recently. Spoiler level unknown!
The Guardian.co.uk has selected Katee as a candidate for the next Dr. Who sidekick. Personally, I'm not feeling it. Katee isn't much of a sidekick.
Look for Don Thompson (Specialist 3rd Class Anthony Figurski) in The Watchmen, along with a flock of other Vancouverites.
Tricia Helfer talks to Eclipse Magazine about the Burn Notice finale and a little about her career in BSG.
Tricia will also be voicing the character Boodikka in the upcoming Green Lantern DVD series. animationmagazine.net
Still waiting for some coverage to roll in on MegaCon 09, which was attended by original BSG series stars Herbert Jefferson Jr., Anne Lockhart and Dirk Benedict, as well as James Callis, Jennifer Halley and Luciana Carro. The oldies and noobs got together for a BSG discussion panel (here's a small clip thanks to youtuber leatherneck4398), and I'm kind of astonished that Dirk Benedict agreed to associate himself with the new series. Hopefully there will be video of the entire panel soon! Tricia Helfer was scheduled to appear, but I don't believe she participated in the panel. BSG Cast was there, so we hope to see something from them.
My Roommate the Cylon
Episode one of this fan made web series is up. Looks good! Follow it at myroommatethecylon.com. They want to spread the love, so I say "By your command" :D
My Roommate the Cylon 1.1 "The Test" from Space Shank Media on Vimeo.
My Roommate the Cylon 1.1 "The Test" from Space Shank Media on Vimeo.
Islanded in a Stream of Stars
I caved. I can't not watch the next episode previews any more. Frak it. There are only 3 episodes left, the next of which, "Islanded in a Stream of Stars", is the last series proper episode. The next two after that will be the 2 part finale, the 2nd part being 2 hours long. I had to look up "islanded" by the way. Never heard it used in verb form like that. Yep, it's a word, and quite possibly the most ridiculous one to grace the dictionary pages at that. Preview video below.
But first, check out the newest entry in the Eick Video Blog, Documenting BSG, which takes you on a tour with the camera crew. Very cool, and spoiler-free (I was trying to make some space between the top and the preview below with this) :0)
But first, check out the newest entry in the Eick Video Blog, Documenting BSG, which takes you on a tour with the camera crew. Very cool, and spoiler-free (I was trying to make some space between the top and the preview below with this) :0)
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