Let's start with Dollhouse news. It's Tahmoh madness! Just a reminder, a lot of this stuff is relatively Dollhouse spoilery:
The Boston Herald has a nice little feature up about Tahmoh and his work in Dollhouse (Dang! He was in Boston yesterday and I didn't know!): ’Battlestar Galactica’ hunk channels big-time
Hit Fix interviews Tahmoh: Tahmoh Penikett talks 'Dollhouse'
Tahmoh interview posted at TV Guide.com today!
Tahmoh will be appearing at Emerald City Comic Con in Seattle Washington (Ooh! As well as Jewel Staite and Ray Park!) this April. via asta77 at Battlestar Blog
io9 has previewed the first three episodes of Dollhouse, and they offer a "spoiler-free" look (no actual events are given away, but it describes the overall theme of the show): We've Seen 3 Episodes Of Joss Whedon's Dollhouse!
Here's the official site for Dollhouse on Fox, which we're hoping will air full episodes. If so, make sure to click there to support the show if you miss it on air. Fox failed to stream episodes for Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles until very recently (Fox's official TTSCC site), but they did air them on Hulu (and hopefully will continue to do so). Speaking of, now is a great time to catch up on last season's finale for TTSCC, either at Fox or the Hulu TTSCC page. Hulu has a pretty hefty page built up for Dollhouse, but has not posted as to whether or not they will be featuring the full episodes. I'm guessing... yes?
Hulu will be posting Nip/Tuck episodes 8 days after they air, so if my math is right, we will be able to see Katee Sackhoff in the episode "Manny Skerritt" by this Wednesday there. Here's a place marker for Hulu's Nip/Tuck page
Hulu also has the last few episodes of Burn Notice up, two of which feature Tricia Helfer ("Do No Harm" and "Hot Spot"). They are also available to view at IMDB, which may be more accessible for international audiences. And when the frak are we going to see Tricia on Chuck? It's still not known, and the scheduling for Chuck got a little frakked up since the presidential address aired exactly during Chuck's time slot this past Monday (but thankfully the episode of Heroes aired, which was written by Mark Verheiden - awesome episode I thought!). Perhaps the following video from ET Canada will help tide us over (spotted at Galactica Sitrep and posted to youtube by dudupcc):
Tricia is also scheduled as a guest on Jimmy Kimmel Live tomorrow night (as if we didn't have enough to watch tomorrow!), according to NewsOK.com and the Jimmy Kimmel site. I get a little confused however, since the show airs at 12:05am EST -so does that mean the Feb. 13 episode is tonight (since it will technically be Feb. 13 at 12am), or does it mean it will be 24 hours from then? Edit - it's confirmed that Tricia will be on the Kimmel show after BSG tomorrow night. Luckily, they do post the episodes to Jimmy's site.
Still on the subject of Tricia, she was elected the official Valentine of 2009 at Esquire.com's blog The Daily Endorsement.
There's a nice big interview with Nicki Clyne at newmobilecomputing.com - make sure to follow the table of contents listed at the bottom of the linked page for the full interview.
Galactica TV has a nice big interview with Grace Park
Some interesting discussions going on over at The Watcher, which came from the comment section of Maureen's most recent post for the episode "Blood on the Scales". Richard Hatch himself showed up in the comments to react to other reader's comments on his character, and writer Michael Angeli, of whom was featured and interviewed in the original post, also had a comment. Read all about it here, and note what Maureen mentions about getting extra content on the season 4.5 DVD.
The Boston Herald has a nice little feature up about Tahmoh and his work in Dollhouse (Dang! He was in Boston yesterday and I didn't know!): ’Battlestar Galactica’ hunk channels big-time
Hit Fix interviews Tahmoh: Tahmoh Penikett talks 'Dollhouse'
Tahmoh interview posted at TV Guide.com today!
Tahmoh will be appearing at Emerald City Comic Con in Seattle Washington (Ooh! As well as Jewel Staite and Ray Park!) this April. via asta77 at Battlestar Blog
io9 has previewed the first three episodes of Dollhouse, and they offer a "spoiler-free" look (no actual events are given away, but it describes the overall theme of the show): We've Seen 3 Episodes Of Joss Whedon's Dollhouse!
Here's the official site for Dollhouse on Fox, which we're hoping will air full episodes. If so, make sure to click there to support the show if you miss it on air. Fox failed to stream episodes for Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles until very recently (Fox's official TTSCC site), but they did air them on Hulu (and hopefully will continue to do so). Speaking of, now is a great time to catch up on last season's finale for TTSCC, either at Fox or the Hulu TTSCC page. Hulu has a pretty hefty page built up for Dollhouse, but has not posted as to whether or not they will be featuring the full episodes. I'm guessing... yes?
Hulu will be posting Nip/Tuck episodes 8 days after they air, so if my math is right, we will be able to see Katee Sackhoff in the episode "Manny Skerritt" by this Wednesday there. Here's a place marker for Hulu's Nip/Tuck page
Hulu also has the last few episodes of Burn Notice up, two of which feature Tricia Helfer ("Do No Harm" and "Hot Spot"). They are also available to view at IMDB, which may be more accessible for international audiences. And when the frak are we going to see Tricia on Chuck? It's still not known, and the scheduling for Chuck got a little frakked up since the presidential address aired exactly during Chuck's time slot this past Monday (but thankfully the episode of Heroes aired, which was written by Mark Verheiden - awesome episode I thought!). Perhaps the following video from ET Canada will help tide us over (spotted at Galactica Sitrep and posted to youtube by dudupcc):
Tricia is also scheduled as a guest on Jimmy Kimmel Live tomorrow night (as if we didn't have enough to watch tomorrow!), according to NewsOK.com and the Jimmy Kimmel site. I get a little confused however, since the show airs at 12:05am EST -
Still on the subject of Tricia, she was elected the official Valentine of 2009 at Esquire.com's blog The Daily Endorsement.
There's a nice big interview with Nicki Clyne at newmobilecomputing.com - make sure to follow the table of contents listed at the bottom of the linked page for the full interview.
Galactica TV has a nice big interview with Grace Park
Some interesting discussions going on over at The Watcher, which came from the comment section of Maureen's most recent post for the episode "Blood on the Scales". Richard Hatch himself showed up in the comments to react to other reader's comments on his character, and writer Michael Angeli, of whom was featured and interviewed in the original post, also had a comment. Read all about it here, and note what Maureen mentions about getting extra content on the season 4.5 DVD.

1 comment:
Tricia will be on the next Jimmy Kimmel live show, not the one on right now. That is - an hour after Battlestar tomorrow night, turn on Jimmy Kimmel (on ABC)
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